Analyze Your Source Code

Understand, document and improve complex, 
third party or legacy software. Through Reverse Engineering, you can derive the software's overall architecture. Examine the class design and variable usage. Speed comprehension of dependencies via sequence diagrams.

With Imagix 4D, you'll achieve increased productivity, higher quality, and reduced risk.

For developers of C, C++ and Java code



Imagix 4D
Reverse Engineering Tool

Typical Applications

Visualize for Understanding

Speed your design and QC activities via
Imagix 4D's source code analysis.

Understand your source code faster and more accurately,
 through reverse engineering.



Analyze your software now

Download and get started exploring the tool. Imagix
4D's source code analysis includes support for:

Analyze your software now

Download and get started exploring the tool. Imagix
4D's source code analysis includes support for:

What else IMAGIX 4D can do for you

Static Analysis & Metrics

Delta Analysis

Automated Documentation

Quality checks identify issues in concurrency, multitasking and variable usage, while software metrics assess code quality.

Graphs and reports show the structural differences between source code versions and branches. These enable meaningful analysis of software changes.

Generation of software document and export of graphs including UML Diagrams ensure accurate, current, and informative design documents.




Code Reliability and Quality

Verification of Thread Safety

Software Security Initiatives

Compliance with CWE, MISRA

Test Case Development

Change Impact Review

Software Customization

Peer Code Review

Delivering Design Docs

Problem and Impact Reports

Software Archiving

Copyright © 2022 Imagix Corporation
6025 White Oak Lane
San Luis Obispo, CA, USA 93401

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Note: You will also receive an email with a link to the Download page which you can access at any time. 

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 Learning Unfamiliar Code 

Dependency Analysis 

Integrating Open Source Code 

Code Reuse

Generating Documentation 

Architecture Diagrams

UML Class Diagrams

Data Flow Diagrams

Control Flow Charts

Sequence Diagrams

Embedded Cross-Compilers

Microsoft .NET Extensions

Multitasking Systems

Combined C, C++ and/or Java

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